Yash Raj Films ventures into the OTT world with “The Railway Men,” a four-episode web series directed by Shiv Rawail. Set against the backdrop of the...
New Balance is revealing some exciting news for sneaker enthusiasts with the upcoming Boro Pack set to hit shelves this November. Renowned for pioneering the “Dad...
In a world where candy wrappers fly along the mountain breezes and there are plastic bottles in the rocks, Pradeep and his team are the custodians...
Naga Chaitanya takes the lead in “Dhootha,” the supernatural suspense-thriller set to premiere on Prime Video this December 1st. Directed by Vikram K. Kumar and produced...
Hold onto your seats because Netflix just dropped a bomb – the legendary Terminator franchise is taking a bold leap into the animated world! Breaking away...
In a world where superheroes wear capes, Kailash Satyarthi dons a different kind of armour – his unwavering commitment to battling child labour and fighting for...
Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor has stormed into the world of OTT platforms with his web series ‘Farzi,’ making it the most-watched Indian web series to date....
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, a fresh trend is taking the spotlight – the Blokette aesthetic. Imagine the lovechild of coquette romance and Bloke Core...
We’ve all been waiting for this moment – Victoria’s Secret has landed in India with its iconic lingerie, loungewear, and more! No more suitcase space negotiations...
When we think of influencer marketing, we usually associate it with brand collaborations, but there’s more to it. Influencers have a unique power – they can...