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ASCI Launches ‘Responsible Influencing E-learning Course’ for Ethical Influencer Marketing



ASCI Academy launches responsible influencer marketing course - The Reelstars

In a bid to uphold transparency and ethical standards in influencer marketing, ASCI Academy, the educational arm of the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), has introduced the ‘Responsible Influencing Course’ e-learning certification.

The course, tailored to support content creators in adhering to ASCI regulations and legal standards, offers an interactive learning experience spanning two hours. It comprises 21 modules covering diverse topics, including self-regulation, transparency, and authenticity in influencer marketing.

Why the need for a course on influencing?

Manisha Kapoor, CEO and Secretary General of ASCI, emphasized the importance of ethical advertising practices in today’s digital age. She stated, “With the increasing influence of content creators in shaping consumer perceptions, it is crucial for influencers to maintain transparency and uphold ethical advertising practices.”

The course also addresses platform-specific guidelines and mandates, with a particular focus on the significance of disclosures. Participants will learn when, how, and why disclosures should be made, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness in sponsored content.

Upon successful completion of the course and assessment, participants will receive the ‘Responsible Influencing Certificate,’ symbolizing their commitment to ethical advertising practices.

Brands prefer ethically sound influencers

Kapoor highlighted the growing scrutiny on influencers and the importance for them to familiarize themselves with advertising regulations. She noted, “Brands are increasingly prioritizing creators who demonstrate a commitment to ethical endorsement practices. Our course aims to empower influencers to confidently endorse products and services while adhering to regulatory standards.”

The launch of the ‘Responsible Influencing Course’ underscores ASCI Academy’s dedication to promoting responsible advertising practices and fostering integrity within the influencer marketing industry.

For more information about the course, visit the ASCI Academy website.

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