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Memes That Captured India’s Lok Sabha Results Day 2024



lok sabha memes 2024 - the reel stars

Gone is the era in which you had to turn the pages of a newspaper to see if any new scandalous political cartoon had been published. But the likes of R.K. Laxman and K. Shankar Pillai carved a unique space for political expression in India. Now, with everything going digital, so has the political satire in India; enter political memes on social media.

Memes have become a powerful tool for capturing the essence of significant events and sparking widespread conversations over the last decade. And come elections in India, the flood of political memes barge right in. Nowhere was this more evident than on the Lok Sabha Election Results Day in India this year, where the battleground of democracy collided with the creative frenzy of meme makers. As the nation awaited the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections, social media platforms exploded with a deluge of memes, offering a unique lens through which to view the political landscape. In this article, we delve into the unprecedented surge of memes that inundated cyberspace. Political memes played a major role in shaping narratives, and reflecting the pulse of the nation this year.

From Print to Digital: The Evolution of Political Satire in India

Taaran Chanana, the brains behind the meme platform MemeChat, noted a remarkable spike in meme sharing. Over 2.7 lakh memes circulated on that fateful day alone. However, a stark contrast to the usual daily average of around 1 lakh. For instance, the voting results from Uttar Pradesh alone inspired approximately 10,000 memes. This only underscores the significant role of social media in this election.

Gourav Gola from NWN Network noticed a significant rise in engagement during the election. He reportedly stated that there was a 50% increase in content posting. Archit Madaan from The Indian Sarcasm echoed this sentiment, highlighting memes’ popularity among Gen Z and youth. Melvin Sadankar from AndheriWestSh*tposting emphasized the importance of proper attribution ethics and the use of watermarks to protect original content.

Voting has concluded, with the inevitable announcement of results. But let’s face it, the real excitement lay in the memes! As the nation’s collective voice is heard, emotions have ranged throughout the spectrum. And what better expression than through the art of crafting exceptional memes.

Without further ado, here are some of best election memes in India that we’ve seen this week:

Desi Bhayo‘s meme was a representation of the nation sitting and watching the drama unfold as the counting began:

Sajcasm’s meme was an accurate visual of Indian uncles watching the news on the 4th of June:

Soctr.IN gave us a stock market meme for every investor who held on to the hope of PM Modi’s stock market promises coming true:

And they were rightly worried, considering the situation post-results. The stock market in India experienced the biggest drop it has seen since 2020.

Pakchipak Raja Babu predicted the scenes post the announcement of election results quite aptly with this meme:

What wasn’t predicted, was the landslides of memes with Nitish Kumar once the result announcements began! Like this one a user shared:

And another witty one to end the meme game by Nehr_Who? :

As India’s political landscape continues to evolve, so too will the memes that capture its essence. Whether they spark serious discourse or lighthearted amusement, political memes in India have become a powerful tool for engagement. And these are just another way of holding leaders accountable and shaping public opinion in the digital age. The future of Indian political memes is likely to be as dynamic and unpredictable as the country’s democracy itself.

Anusuya, a Bengali girl in Bengaluru, is an experienced content specialist with a passion for writing compelling articles & blogs while crafting engaging social media posts & website copy. Currently a content manager, she thrives on being hands-on in the creative process. When not meeting deadlines, she enjoys Pinterest-planning her next trips; to explore new cities and immerse herself in local cultures, especially local food. Is it any wonder she chose a degree in Travel & Tourism?


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