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Licypriya Kanjugam: The Young Climate Crusader



When we think of influencer marketing, we usually associate it with brand collaborations, but there’s more to it. Influencers have a unique power – they can drive positive change by amplifying crucial social causes. 

One of them is Licypriya Kanjugam. She is a remarkable 11-year-old child climate activist hailing from India, and her journey to make a difference is truly inspiring. In a world where climate change is having a profound global impact, it’s astonishing that there’s still a lack of awareness about the urgency of this issue. However, Licypriya has taken it upon herself to not only raise awareness but also to drive maximum impact in order to secure the future that her generation deserves.

Her commitment to the cause is evident in her extensive activism journey. Licypriya began her efforts at the grassroots level, striving to make a change in her local community. Her passion and determination quickly caught the attention of the world, and she has since become an internationally recognized advocate for climate action.

What sets Licypriya apart is her remarkable journey of representing India at an impressive seven United Nations events. This platform has allowed her to raise her voice on a global stage, speaking up for the environment and urging leaders and policymakers to take meaningful action to combat climate change.

But her journey is far from over. She continues to be a force for change, a beacon of hope for the younger generation, and an example of how one person’s dedication and passion can make a substantial impact. With her unwavering commitment, she serves as an inspiration for all of us to be more conscious of the environment and to take action to preserve the planet for future generations. We can undoubtedly expect great things from this young climate activist as she continues to lead the way towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.


Seasoned journalists covering interesting news about influencers and creators from the social world of Entertainment, Fashion, Beauty, Tech, Auto, Finance, Sports, and Healthcare. To pitch a story or to share a press release, write to us at

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