New Delhi, December 3, 2024: India’s beloved gamer and content creator, Amit Sharma, famously known as Desi Gamers, added another feather to his cap by representing...
Aakanksha Monga, a young solo woman traveller, enjoys challenges and has an unquenchable hunger for adventure. Born on February 3, 1997, in Delhi, India, her journey...
You’ve probably scrolled past him a dozen times – that laid-back, long-faced dog with an attitude that screams “whatever” louder than words ever could. Welcome to...
Kavya Karnatac is different from a typical content creator. She is a genius with a love for geography and a skill for creating eye-catching educational content....
Meet Shlok Srivastava, Tech Burner, who creates fun, innovative, engaging tech content. His journey began as a tech-loving youngster to one of India’s top Tech influencers....
Remember the ethereal ‘Piya Basanti’ girl from the iconic music video that still tugs at the heartstrings of anyone who grew up watching it? That was...
Numerous influencers spread health trends on social media. Every week, a new trend or product pops up, making it easy for influencers, celebrities, and wellness enthusiasts...
One thing is clear: traditional methods are no longer enough to capture viewers’ attention and build trust. Along with people’s methods to captivate the audience, they...
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it,” said environmentalist Robert Swan. And let’s face it, he’s right. We...
I’ll be the first to admit it – my travel decisions these days are basically curated by a endless stream of Instagram reels and carefully curated...