The digital world was once a space dominated by urban influencers, with their sleek lifestyles, expensive gadgets, and city-centric content shaping the landscape. However, in recent...
Ever hit ‘upload’ and accidentally launched a whole new career? That’s the story of Scherezade Shroff, aka Sherry Shroff, who didn’t just stumble onto YouTube, she...
Have you ever watched a video that made you laugh so hard you nearly fell off your chair? That’s the magic of Ashish Chanchlani, a name...
In an age where headlines scream louder than facts, Ravish Kumar emerges as a beacon of hope. A journalist who refuses to be silenced, he has...
Imagine being told at three years old that your life would revolve around needles, numbers, and navigating an unpredictable condition. For most, it’s a daunting thought...
If you think saving the planet has to be all doom and gloom, Arushi Sana is here to throw that myth in the trash (which, by...
The world might be on fire (figuratively and literally), but Rohan Chakravarty’s cartoons are here to save the day, one laugh at a time. Humour is...
In a world of influencers chasing followers, likes, and the next viral trend, there’s one voice on social media that’s inspiring people to hit the ‘Follow’...
The world faces an undeniable climate crisis, including flooding, heatwaves, rising sea levels, and melting ice caps. It’s no longer just a distant concern; it’s happening...
If life gives you lemons, make a viral hit! This mantra seems to be the lifeblood of Yashraj Mukhate, the man who transformed simple dialogues into...