Amazon miniTV will release the final season of teen drama series Crushed from February 9. Following the successful journey of the previous three seasons, season 4...
Amazon miniTV is launching the second installment of Rakshak- India’s Braves: Chapter 2, featuring Barun Sobti and Vishwas Kini in lead roles. The series will mark...
ZEE5 has unveiled the trailer of its upcoming anthology, Lantrani. The movie features a cast comprising Johnny Lever, Jitendra Kumar, Jisshu Sengupta, Malayalam star Nimisha Sajayan...
WYLD, the innovative social media monetization platform, made waves on the reality show Shark Tank India, securing a significant investment from Anupam Mittal. Despite interest from...
Poonam Pandey’s staged ‘demise‘ on 2 February 2024 and her revelation the next day that she was alive and well was orchestrated by Hauterrfly, a Fork...
In a harmonious crescendo of success, YouTube Music and YouTube Premium have collectively reached a milestone of 100 million paying subscribers, according to an announcement from...
In a recent revelation, Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared exciting news about Threads, Meta’s answer to Twitter. According to a report from AdAge, Threads has seen...
Decrypt announces a new game studio,, that sent shockwaves through Crypto Twitter as it launched early access for “Solana Hunger Games” on Monday. Within just...
‘Karmma Calling’ stars Raveena Tandon, Varun Sood, and Namrata Sethe dropped by Mirchi’s radio studio, set up at the Andheri Station in collaboration with Metro Line...
Two years ago, professional networking app LinkedIn launched ‘creator mode’ so members could unlock access to more sharing tools, analytics, and set up their profile to...