Priyanka Sharma, the creator of the celebrated food blog “Sadi Gaddi,” is preparing to make her mark on the international stage as she represents India at...
A talented bunch of child influencers, under the age of 18, have amassed considerable following on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others. These...
While Silicon Valley giants dominate global headlines, a new wave of Indian tech educators is quietly revolutionizing how millions learn about technology. Away from the polished...
Tech influencers have become a vital part of the tech ecosystem. They offer expert opinions, reviews, tutorials, and commentary on the latest gadgets and innovations. India...
With all the hustle and bustle in the fashion world, people of Indian origin have really made a stylish mark on the global scene. In this...
Tripura is a state that offers a fascinating blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. The state has much to offer for those interested in exploring...
Influencers Logan Paul and KSI (Olajide Olatunji) co-founded the well-known sports drink brand Prime. In January 2022, Logan Paul and KSI introduced their drink as a...
YouTuber MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson), well-known for his large-scale challenges and philanthropy, founded the food brand Feastables. The brand was launched in 2022, and its primary product...
Chandigarh has a thriving food scene. There are many food content creators and influencers who capture the city’s culinary delights, ranging from street food to fine...
Hyderabad is a vibrant hub for both locals and tourists, offering a variety of experiences from stunning waterfronts to bustling street markets. Whether seeking cultural insights...