Munawar Faruqui, an Indian stand-up comedian, rapper, and social media personality, is well-known for his sharp wit and often provocative humor. Despite his successful runs in...
Netflix is set to redefine the survival reality genre with its latest release, The Influencer. This high-stakes competition pits some of South Korea’s most influential social...
Kusha Kapila, a well-known content creator and actress, has been making waves lately with her new fit physique, bold fashion choices, and impressive acting skills. However,...
Raised in the picturesque state of Nagaland, Merenla Imsong was a child with a flair for the dramatic. Growing up in the hills of Kohima, she...
The comedy world is abuzz with excitement as Zakir Khan prepares to make his television debut with his new talk show, Aapka Apna Zakir. Set to...
Vagmita Singh is an influencer with a massive fan base on Instagram as @thatindianchick_ with 551K followers. Her content is captivating and has turned heads. Her...
HanuMankind’s “Big Dawgs” isn’t just a song; it’s become a cultural phenomenon that’s brought the Indian rapper attention globally! With its infectious beats, daring visuals, and...
Bigg Boss 18 is highly anticipated, with the show expected to soon kick off on Colors TV. Unfortunately, Salman Khan could not host Bigg Boss OTT...
Simran Jat is a prominent dancer and choreographer known for her dynamic dance styles and engaging choreography. She has garnered a significant following on social media...
India’s growing fascination with true crime has found a compelling new medium in podcasts. Once captivated by the oral tradition of storytelling, the nation is now...