Recently, I’ve been hooked on “Moment of Silence,” the refreshingly candid podcast hosted by Sakshi Shivdasani and Naina Bhan. The show, which recently clinched the Cosmopolitan...
If 2024 were a reality show, it’d be called “Survival of the Weirdest.” Why? Because let’s be real, the internet turned into a wild, meme-packed carnival...
What happens when gaming meets love? Kaashvi Hiranandani thought of it, too, and she’ll be ready soon to show us. A gaming star from India’s leading...
Every morning, we scroll through our social media feeds, and this has become as important as sipping our first cup of coffee or chai. We developed...
Social media often feels like a kaleidoscope of fleeting moments of short-lived, trend-driven content that vanishes as quickly as it appears. Yet, amidst this whirlwind, creators...
Are you a fan of Mismatched who eagerly waited for Season 3? It dropped on Netflix on December 13, you’re not alone! Watching Dimple (played by...
Jung Ji-woo, the elder sister of BTS member J-Hope, visited India to launch her beauty brand NeafNeaf, marking a significant step in her international business expansion....
India’s cultural wealth has always been a source of inspiration, but in 2024, it broke barriers, reaching audiences far beyond its borders. From Bollywood-inspired reels to...
Every roast video begins with a simple disclaimer, “This video is for entertainment purposes only.” We all feel that this is a harmless introduction, right? Wrong....
Netflix’s Mismatched is back with its third season, and fans of the series have plenty to unpack. Over the years, this YA rom-com-drama has grown into...