Actor Rajat Kapoor’s upcoming web series, titled Lootere, is all set to make its digital premiere. The much-awaited show marks the directorial debut of filmmaker Hansal...
Actor Gulshan Devaiah, who is known for his roles in Shaitan, Hate Story and Hunterrr, will be seen in an upcoming action web-series. As per the...
Audio streaming platform Spotify has reported a big surge in the consumption of music in regional languages, with Malayalam leading the charge with a staggering growth...
Indian cricketer Virat Kohli and wife and actress Anushka Sharma announced the birth of their son on February 15 with a statement that read, “With abundant...
Emcure Pharmaceuticals CEO and Shark Tank India judge Namita Thapar has joined hands with cricket legend Mahendra Singh Dhoni for a new venture. Namita shared this...
Content creator and popular social media influencer Anisha Dixit has gone public with a recent experience in which she claims she got scammed by an Ola...
Orhan Awatramani, who goes by the moniker of Orry in social media circles, has always been savvy when it comes to marketing his persona. Orry has...
2024 has started on a big note for popular social media influencer and music composer Yashraj Mukhate, personally and professionally! Yashraj recently broke the news about...
Stand-up comedian Gaurav Kapoor has become an internet sensation with his funny yet logical videos he posts on his social media handles. His distinctive style of...
Engineer-turned-composer and Instagram influencer Yashraj Mukhate is one talented champ who has made a name for himself. From ‘Rasode mein kaun tha’, ‘Tauda Kutta Tommy Sadda...