Priyanka Sharma, the creator of the celebrated food blog “Sadi Gaddi,” is preparing to make her mark on the international stage as she represents India at...
Paakashala is a popular name in Karnataka’s restaurant industry. This company launched Paakashala Diaries, a first-of-its-kind video series that holds the viewers’ attention by showing a...
In a world where digital success stories often feature twenty-somethings, 65-year-old Nisha Madhulika stands out as a remarkable exception. With an estimated net worth of INR...
Influencers Logan Paul and KSI (Olajide Olatunji) co-founded the well-known sports drink brand Prime. In January 2022, Logan Paul and KSI introduced their drink as a...
YouTuber MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson), well-known for his large-scale challenges and philanthropy, founded the food brand Feastables. The brand was launched in 2022, and its primary product...
Chandigarh has a thriving food scene. There are many food content creators and influencers who capture the city’s culinary delights, ranging from street food to fine...
Andhra Pradesh has several food influencers who showcase the region’s rich culinary heritage, including traditional recipes, recommend authentic eateries, and have contemporary takes on local cuisine....
We live in an era where content creation is taking over; Instagram has transformed from a simple memory-sharing platform to a powerful podium of creativity, storytelling,...
Exceptional cuisine is the ultimate catalyst for uniting people. Food transcends mere sustenance; it embodies artistry and emotion, serving as the very essence of culture while...
Based in London, Jake Dryan, a celebrated chef, has captured the spotlight with his weekly series exploring the rich culinary traditions of various Indian states through...