This Valentine’s Day, renowned chef Ranveer Brar, is bringing a cooking battle like no other to your screens. The much-anticipated cookery show, “Family Table,” featuring a...
Whether you are a new parent or experienced, parenting requires great knowledge to raise a child. The times when parenting was all about shouting and yelling...
The Government of India has launched a ten episode ‘Fit India Champions’ podcast series on multiple digital and social media platforms, including YouTube. A flagship program...
Saurabh Bothra, who is a Pune based government-certified yoga trainer, an IIT-ian, and a Co-Founder of HaBuild, has created a history! During the pandemic, Saurabh and...
Gone are the days of sifting through heavy cookbooks to look for a recipe. Platforms like YouTube and Instagram have made it easier than ever for...
Move over @foodpharmer, gadget guru Rajiv Makhni has decided to end 2023 by turning planet warrior. On the last day of the year, Rajiv Makhni uploaded...
As we step into a new year, there’s no better time for IT girls to prioritize self-care and set the tone for a year of success,...
MasterChef India 2023 finalist Aruna Vijay is on cloud nine as she hits half a million on social media platform Instagram. Aruna Vijay was one tough...
Coconut oil – the golden elixir that’s been hailed as a health hero and a kitchen multitasker. But hold up, because there’s some debate brewing, and...
In the pursuit of taming those unruly locks, many of us turn to hair sprays without a second thought. However, a recent revelation might make you...