Pan India esports tournament College Rivals has launched a new seven-video marketing series, showcasing fusion of gaming, music, and pop culture. The first of the seven-video...
Set against the vibrant landscape of Jalandhar, lies the home of legendary cricketer Harbhajan Singh. In the fifth episode of Asian Paints’ Where The Heart Is...
Meet the rockstars of the Indian gaming universe, these gamers who don’t just possess crazy gaming skills but also win the hearts of millions on social...
In a heartfelt post, Payal shared the highlights that made her 2023 truly unforgettable. Let’s dive into the moments that brought smiles, victories, and all the...
In the realm of Indian YouTube gaming, Payal Dhare, also known as Payal Gaming, stands out as a sensation. Not only has she conquered the Youtube...
In a cricket showdown between South Africa and India, not only did the players light up the field, but a delightful off-moment stole the spotlight. KL...
Trinity Gaming India is kicking things into high gear with the launch of Gamerz Night Live – a virtual gaming extravaganza! In cahoots with big shots...
Get ready to witness the clash of gaming titans in the heart of Hyderabad as TEC brings you the ultimate gaming battle of the year –...
In a historic move, Saudi Arabia’s announcement of the Esports World Cup in 2024 has sent ripples through the global gaming community, with India poised to...
Ever since ‘IShowSpeed’ just dropped into Mumbai, the city hasn’t stopped buzzing! The internet sensation, known for his wild antics and infectious energy, touched down in...