“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek’s famous words resonate deeply in the micro-influencer space. Unlike big-name creators or...
In the expansive world of gaming, where titans like PewDiePie and Ninja command millions of followers, gaming is finally picking up extensively in India —led by...
In the ever-expanding world of social media, micro-influencers in travel are like the hidden trails in a national park—unassuming yet brimming with wonder. These travel enthusiasts,...
Fans roared louder than ever for the biggest titans of YouTube clash for supremacy. On one side of the world, we have MrBeast, who started this...
Google has launched an initiative to transform educational access across India through a strategic collaboration with the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The...
Hey travel lovers! Big news alert – our favorite wanderlust queen Tanya Khanijow has officially tied the knot, and it’s everything BUT your typical Bollywood wedding...
Content creators work beyond their creative levels to entertain us on our screens; a few go with bizarre trends, and a few carve a niche very...
The excitement surrounding Squid Game, Netflix’s record-breaking series, continues to build as its cast met the press in South Korea on Monday for their first public...
As marketing expert Neal Schaffer puts it, “People trust people, not ads.” This trust, cultivated through authentic connections, has made micro-influencers a powerful force in the...
Meet the Malhans—a family that is redefining creativity, camaraderie, and hustle in the digital age. From a single YouTube channel to a vast empire encompassing multiple...