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MasterChef India 2023 finalist Aruna Vijay touches 500K followers on Insta



MasterChef India 2023 finalist Aruna Vijay is on cloud nine as she hits half a million on social media platform Instagram.

Aruna Vijay was one tough competition in the above-mentioned cookery show. She treats and satiates her followers’ tastebuds by coming up with unique South Indian dishes’ recipes on her Insta handle. She adds her own touch in each dish and is applauded for retaining an Indian touch in her culinary skills.

It’s a big achievement for Aruna as she started the year with 80K followers and has touched the magic mark of 500K.

Aruna marked the moment by cutting a cake with her closed ones and shared a post and on her Instagram handle. She wrote, “This year has been nothing less than a miracle, started the year with 80 K followers, and never in my dream I thought of hitting this milestone!! I was so sceptical about investing in building my kitchen studio, not sure if I will get work. But all I can say is, God has been really really kind.

Thank you guys for showing your constant love & appreciation for my work. The one thing I have learnt is being consistent is the key. But all this wouldn’t have been possible without my fantastic team, who pushed me to do better. And my bestest half @vijay.lodha.”

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#FitterBanegaIndia: Healthy Food Challenge for 180-days




Revant Himatsingka aka @foodpharmer is collaborating with @fittrwithjc #FitterBanegaIndia for the next 6 months of 2024. Jitendra Chowksey is the founder of Fittr, a health and fitness company, while Revant educates his 2.6 million insta-fam on healthy eating practices with a humorous touch. They’ve joined hands for a healthy food challenge to get fit together this year!

Revant launched #FitterBanegaIndia on 1 July 2024, to continue for the next 180 days of the year.

Revant and Jitendra encourage Indians to participate in this challenge by posting stories and reels on their Instagram handles with #FitterBanegaIndia and #SustainableFitness for the next 6 months, i.e., 180 days until January 1st, 2025.

Food Pharmer says, “I don’t believe in crazy diets and scary workouts. I believe in SUSTAINABLE FITNESS.” 

According to studies, 50% of Indians are unfit and only go for a walk as a workout, so here are the 4 sustainable fitness habits that they are encouraging us to follow:

1) Motion- 6000-8000 steps daily and 30 minutes of strength training 4 days a week. 

2) Nutrition- Balanced diet with protein in every meal.

3) Hydration- 3 liters of water daily.

4) Rest- 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily.

They encourage the participants to post stories or reels of them following these 4 sustainable fitness habits and tag them. They’ll reshare the stories and videos to encourage them with #SustainableFitness and #FitterBanegaIndia.

They are on a mission to get fitter sustainably for the next 6 months! Are you planning on getting fit with them?

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Meet the Sikkimese Home Chef Behind Vlogginkitchen: Rinchen Wangdi Bhutia



rinchen wangdi bhutia - the reelstars

Meet the man behind the momos that have taken Kolkata and social media by storm – Rinchen Wangdi Bhutia! Rinchen, originally from Sikkim, isn’t just another cloud kitchen owner. This Sikkemese home chef’s infectious personality and genuine love for cooking shine through in his daily vlogs, captivating hearts across India.

In every vlog, Rinchen warmly greets his audience with a simple, “Namaste, mera naam Rinchen hai aur mein Kolkata main cloud kitchen chalata hoon” (Hello, my name is Rinchen and I run a cloud kitchen in Kolkata).

From Call Centers to Culinary Calling

Rinchen’s journey began after completing his studies in Sikkim. He tried his hand at various jobs, from BPOs to aviation, but something was missing. In 2023, he took a leap of faith and quit his banking job. Back in Sikkim, with a passion for cooking simmering, Rinchen started creating cooking reels. Inspired by his Sikkimese heritage, he showcased the art of momo-making, a skill practically inborn for him. Rinchen’s talent for momos was undeniable, but his reels highlighted more than just deliciousness. His simple, down-to-earth vlogging style resonated with viewers. He quickly realized Sikkim wasn’t the ideal market for his momos, so Kolkata, the momo haven, beckoned.

Kolkata’s New Momo King

Rinchen returned to Kolkata, researched cloud kitchens, and with the support of friends, launched “Rinchen’s Momo.” His momos, boasting juicy fillings and perfectly thin wrappers, were an instant hit. He experimented with shapes and colors, introducing the now-famous rose momos.

His vlogs showcase not just his momo mastery but also his love for his adopted city. His viewers often see him enjoying delectable Bengali dishes, with “shukto” being his recent favorite.

Social Media Star and One-Man Show

Rinchen’s rise to fame has been nothing short of meteoric. He now juggles two Instagram accounts – one for his business with over 71.8K followers and another for his vlogs boasting a massive 371k audience! All within a few short months!

He attributes his success to Kolkata’s love for momos and his commitment to authenticity. Despite being a one-man army, Rinchen strives to fulfill every order, handling everything from grocery shopping to cooking and packing.

Recently, he was even invited as a guest judge on the Bengali reality cooking show hosted on @zeebanglaofficial; Randhane Bandhane.

This social media star from Sikkim is a local celebrity. He is a source of pride for his family, even if his father, a teacher, jokingly questions his unconventional career path.

Rinchen Wangdi Bhutia is proof that following your passion can lead to delicious success. So, the next time you crave momos in Kolkata, be sure to check out Rinchen’s Momo and experience the taste of social media fame in every bite!

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“Ei Sunny” Says Sahini Banerjee Before Cooking Up Feashts!



sahini banerjee feashts - the reelstars

A food creator who’s journey into the world of cooking began at the tender age of five. However, driven by a curiosity about how ingredients transform into diverse flavors across dishes. Influenced by her grandmother’s minimalist approach to cooking. Furthermore, Sahini Banerjee found herself drawn to the kitchen despite her mother’s initial reservations. As a rebellious teenager, defying her mother’s wishes became a playful act of asserting her passion. And now, cooking up ‘feashts’ is what she does full-time and how!

“Ei Sunny Ki Khabi?” asks Sahini Banerjee

Fast-forward to today, Sahini has captured the hearts of food enthusiasts everywhere through her popular platform, Feashts. With a warm smile and a signature greeting of “Ei Sunny (insert dish) khabi?”, Sahini brings a delightful simplicity to her culinary videos that resonates deeply with her audience. And her husband Sunny saying yes with his “Haan Khabo” just makes everyone adore this couple more!

Last year, armed with a strong following of 120K on social media. Moreover, Sahini made the courageous decision to pursue Feashts full-time. This leap of faith has proven to be immensely rewarding. Besides, allowing her to share her love for food with even more people around the world. Now this home-cook/ food creator has a strong following of 563K on Instagram!

Try this simple but mouthwatering recipe from Feashts that we love:

Living as a ‘probashi Bangali’ in both the USA and now in Delhi. Besides, Sahini’s culinary creations reflect a harmonious blend of her Bengali roots and global influences. Her recipes, like the beloved Koraishutir Kochuri, resonate deeply with her diverse audience, bridging cultures through the universal language of food.

Sahini’s kitchen always has the quintessential Bengali pantry staples such as sugar, mustard oil, cumin seeds, paanch phoron, and kalo jeere. In another interview with The Telegraph, she shared that her comfort foods include Phyan bhaath and Nashville-style fried chicken, reflecting a mix of traditional comfort and international flavors.

Beyond her prowess in the kitchen, Sahini infuses personal touches into her content. Moreover, including naming her dog Paneer after his affinity for the cheese itself. This playful anecdote highlights her ability to weave personal stories into her culinary journey. However, creating a deeper connection with her audience.

Sahini Banerjee’s content is all about storytelling through food and sharing moments of joy with her community. With her genuine passion, infectious smile, and dedication to culinary artistry. Furthermore, Sahini continues to charm and inspire, one recipe at a time, proving that the love for food knows no boundaries.

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