Influencer Varsha Solanki, who is known for her dancing skills and comic timings, is making her screen debut as a participant in dance reality show Dance...
In Google India’s latest campaign, influencers have come together to showcase the myriad ways in which Bard can simplify your life. With pun-tastic hashtags like ‘Bard-y...
Arun Srikanth Mashettey turned out to be one of the most loved contestants of Bigg Boss 17, impressing viewers and host Salman Khan with his simplicity...
Hey there, lovebirds! Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and if your girlfriend happens to be an influencer, we’ve got your back! Instead of the usual chocolates...
Amazon miniTV- Amazon’s free video streaming service, is set to bring a touch of romance to February with its lineup of dubbed international shows in their...
Netflix will air a new courtroom comedy series, Maamla Legal Hai, from March 1. Set within the fictional confines of Patparganj District Court, the series explores...
Shiv Thakare appears to be getting better at ‘reality’ after participating in reality shows like MTV Roadies Rising, winning the second season of Bigg Boss Marathi...
Actress and social media influencer Anushka Sen, who has been appointed as the Honorary Ambassador of Korea, recently shared ‘hearts’ with Kartik Aaryan. Anushka, at only...
60 days to a lean physique is no mean feat. But Abhishek Malhan has managed just that in 60 days. Abhishek, known by his online persona...
Zee5 will air the world digital premiere of the much awaited film The Kerala Story on February 16. After bringing forth movies like The Kashmir Files,...