Karan Johar’s much-anticipated reality show The Traitors, set to air on Amazon Prime Video, has already created a stir with its thrilling concept and potential celebrity...
Social media sensation Orry, who is known for his bold choice in fashion and luxury, has joined hands with ace director, Karan Johar, to create the...
Orhan Awatramani, who goes by the moniker of Orry in social media circles, has always been savvy when it comes to marketing his persona. Orry has...
The final episode of Koffee With Karan 8 ended on high note with host Karan Johar inviting social media influencer Orry aka Orhan Awatramani on the...
The most controversial celebrity talk show Koffee With Karan season 8 is coming to an end. One can expect heaps of laughter, roasting and revelations as...