One of the most popular and much-loved reality shows, Khatron Ke Khiladi is soon returning with season 14. The anticipation around the show and its contestants...
Popular reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi is returning soon with Season 14. The Reelstars has updated our readers with its probable list of contestants who will...
One of the most popular and much-loved reality shows Khatron Ke Khiladi is soon returning with season 14. The Reelstars has updated our readers with its...
Bigg Boss 17 lovebirds Samarth Jurel and Isha Malviya, who were head over heels and supported each other in the reality show, have parted ways. The...
Content creators have become the new celebrities for reality shows in India now. We have seen YouTubers like Elvish Yadav, Abhishek Malhan and Anurag Dobhal and...
Influencers and content creators are undoubtedly the biggest draw in reality shows in India currently. In the past, we have seen content creators like Elvish Yadav,...