Podcasts have surged in popularity, offering an array of conversations ranging from thought-provoking insights to light-hearted banter. Whether it’s an influencer or a celebrity, the medium...
In the first episode of his new show Rethink India, Revant Himatsingka (better known as Foodpharmer) takes us on an unexpected journey into the lives of...
Global influencer and entrepreneur Masoom Minawala has launched her own talk show, bringing intimate conversations about life, work, and personal growth to audiences. Her first episode...
Recently, I’ve been hooked on “Moment of Silence,” the refreshingly candid podcast hosted by Sakshi Shivdasani and Naina Bhan. The show, which recently clinched the Cosmopolitan...
Launched on World Mental Health Day, Ananya Panday’s So Positive podcast dives into the intricate and often challenging relationship between mental health and social media. With...