The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has assembled a team of social media influencers with a mission—to shed light on places associated with Lord Rama and those...
10 Lakh people visited Josh’s ‘Shri Ram Mantra Chant Room’ created to mark the consecration of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya earlier this week. According to...
The magnificent 51-inch Ram Lalla idol at the recently consecrated Ram Mandir in Ayodhya has already been touched by AI. Drenched in gold and adorned with...
Social media influencer Manav Chhabra scaled the heights of popularity through TikTok, when it was still active in India. He is best known on social media...
History is being created today (22 January) as the magnificent Ram temple is consecrated at his birthplace in Ayodhya. While the Ram Mandir is all decked...
With the Pran Prathishtha ceremony at newly built Ayodhya Ram Mandir finally happening today, the whole country is abuzz with excitement and religious fervour. Influencers like...